jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver Chapters 5-8

 Dreaming something that is not permitted  in the community change you´re life. We all have dreams but in our case is permitted. Jonas have a dream that he never was suppose to have, and because of that dream Jonas really knew that he really likes what he feels  about Fionna. The next morning that Jonas had  the dream, he told his family about it, and his family react very well. The problem about telling her parents abpot the dream he had is that they make him take pills for don´t have stirrings. That day was the ceremony of Twelves,  and for Jonas was a very important day, they will assigned  his job.  When he and his family arrived to the auditorium, Jonas was very bored because the ceremony of Twelves was at the end. He was happy of his sister to be a Eight, but also feel nervous about Fionna, because he would not going to see him as much as he wanted. When finally the ceremony of  Twelves start people were getting their jobs, Jonas was kind of nervous but the good part of it was that the jobs he didn´t  like were not assigned to him. The time has finally come it was time to announce Jonas job, but then Chief Elder skip his name. Jonas  was shoked because he think that he forget about his number. But after he appologize and told him what h would going to be. Jonas was selected to be the recever.

"I dont like hair ribbons. I am glad that I need to were theme one more year, and  next year I get my bicycle,too," Lili said. I think individuality is a very important part of life because it make the path of life you want to make. In Jonas community is not to much individuality as people normaly have, and I think that the community is making wrong the desition that they will make the desitions that each person ned to have. Thise quote rimind´s me to the Truman´s Show becasue Christoph make the life that Truman "should have" (his idea of a perfect life, with out lies, war, fear). The Giver make me think about how it would be Quito if we had that law, it would not be nice. The Giver and Truman´s show are connected in many way´s with The Giver, and I think that the leaders of the community had the same idea of a perfect life, no war, no fire and no discussion´s.

I predict that Jonas will make a change in his community, because he is a guy who like to be with his friends, help others etc.  Jonas like the feeling of liking some one (stirrings) and that feeling in the community is not permitted. I think that Jonas will change the rule that people can have feelings to each other and also I think that he would give more liverty to people desitions and life.  I always ask how would  Quito be with that rule, I think that people would get annoyed. To finalize The Giver has been a book that change the way you think about life and show you values that you didn´t  realized they were important.


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