“The Velt” is a famous short story written by Ray Bradbury. This story takes place in the future, which has machines that make your chores. This story show us the life of a family that has a house with a very advance technology, and inside of the house they had a nursery that George and Lydia sons play and have fun there. This nursery it is not just a room it has a very advance technology that makes the pictures so real that it feels like you are in the place that you imagine, in this case Peter and Wendi imagine like they are in Africa. At the beginning everything was joy and fun, but then Peter and Wendi start to be very violent with their parents, and one of the biggest preoccupations of George and Lydia was that their kids are imagine things that the shouldn’t like murder, blood and that makes them violent. After a time the kids get addicted to the nursery and at night George and Lydia start hearing screams and the roar of lions. One day George and his wife decide to turn of the house and go away because it cause a lot of problems to the family, but obiosly his kids refuse to go away.
That just it. I feel like I don’t belong here. The house is wife and mother now, and nursemaid. Can I compete with an African veldt? Can I give a bath and scrub the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic scrub bath can? I cannot.” (3)
In this part Lydia tacks with his husband about his feelings, and how dos he feel about the house. Lydia thinks that he is unussless because the house make everything that a mother and wife make. I think that Lydia is wright because what’s the point of life is something make every single thing that you are suppose to make.

I like the imagery that Ray Bradbury shows us in this story because the characters describe It like you are in the jungle. Also I think is very creative because they have a room witch what you imagine becomes alive. But it also had a negative part this room and it is that the things where getting to real so George decide to turn the house off. Besides that think that the imagery is very well explained and it can make the reader feel like they are in the story.
I think that this story is very interesting because it show us a very important message. The message of this story is that we don’t need machines or ultra-advance technology to have a very good life, we only need to be our selves and apriciate what we have. In this story the characterization is so well explained that we can imagine th characters like we now them. So as well characterization.